A Whole New World

But Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭3:6‬

A man born lame was asking for money as Peter and John walked by him into the temple. Peter then tells him that he has no money but what he does have he will give him; which was being healed in Jesus’ name. So what is significant about this? Why is this so powerful?

When Jesus first called Peter to follow Him, He knew the rocky path Peter would have to walk. A path full of ups and downs. Peter would walk on water but he would also deny Jesus three times, he would claim Jesus to be the Messiah but he would also be rebuked for trying to keep Jesus from fulfilling His mission. What was Jesus’ mission? To be the sin sacrifice for all people and to conquer sin and death once and for all. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection would change the world.

Much like most people, I’m sure Peter tried changing his world by being a good person, donating time and money to those more in need, obeying the law, etc. All these things are not bad, they are actually very good things, they just don’t change our world in an eternal way. They have a temporary impact on our world but nothing close to the eternal impact Jesus has.

Once Peter came to realize his true mission, he would have an eternal impact on his world. He recognized that he didn’t have the means in and of himself to make an eternal impact on others, but Jesus does. Peter could have tried to heal the lame man in his own name, Moses’ name or any other name and it wouldn’t have worked. He recognized his world can only be changed with Jesus and it’s in Jesus’ name and power that he healed the lame man.

When was the last time you did something in Jesus’ name? It didn't have to be a miraculous thing like healing someone but something as simple as sharing your faith with someone. Our world is changed when we take the opportunity to share Jesus and what He has done in our lives and what He can do in others lives. How amazing would it be if we all shared Jesus with boldness to everyone we could. We would be living in a whole new world!

What opportunities has God given you to change your world with Jesus? Are you looking for those opportunities? I encourage you to pray and seek opportunities to have an eternal impact on others lives by sharing Jesus with them. 

1 Comment

Sylvia Taylor - June 8th, 2022 at 6:29am

Great message.