Not How But Who

Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
I love the simplicity and reminder of what we are called to be as disciples of Jesus. We are to be witnesses of Jesus to everyone in our sphere of influence. What does that even mean though? It means that we are to share the truth of Jesus with everyone we can. Maybe that is a neighbor, co-worker, family member or even someone standing in the grocery line next to you. Just like a witness in court telling what they saw and heard, we are to tell others what we have seen and heard Jesus say and do in our lives and through His word.

Being a witness of Jesus can be a scary thing sometimes! I’ve heard people often ask how to be a witness of Jesus? The Bible gives us a simple answer and it is found in Acts 1:8. Jesus says, ”when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be…”. It’s not about how we are going to be a witness but Who is going to witness through us.

I believe people tend to overcomplicate the process of being a witness, and I’m just as guilty as anyone. We tend to have classes, create curriculum and have videos walking us through how to be a witness for Jesus; when the process is so simple. When we exchange time trying to figure out how to be a witness for spending time with Who is the witness, then we can’t help but share Jesus with others. The Holy Spirit gives us power and our fears and anxiety tend to go away and it becomes a natural thing. Not because we train or read a book on witnessing, but because when the Holy Spirit comes upon us witnessing is no longer something we do, but a witness is who we are.

When was the last time you were a witness for Jesus? What happened? The more time we spend with the Who, the Holy Spirit, then the less time we spend worrying about the how. Spend time in God’s word today in order to get to know Him for Who He says He is. The more you know Him the more natural it becomes to be His witness. I encourage you to share Jesus with at least one person this week and see how He works in that person's life!

1 Comment

Sylvia Taylor - June 8th, 2022 at 6:37am

Please 🙏 for my husband and I, that we will be witnesses for Christ every day. I want to assist with Sunday School class for kids!